The 十大菠菜台子 community is working to create an environment that welcomes the world to contribute to and benefit from the liberal arts education we provide. We aspire to be a diverse and inclusive community, stemming from the very founding of our institution.

十大菠菜台子的 使命宣言 affirms that we are “committed to the development of intellect and talent, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, 健全判断力的培养 and respect for the perspectives of others.“多样性是这一承诺的核心, and to the objective of preparing all Lawrentians for lives of engaged citizenship in our global society.


我的.D.E.A.S. Division at 十大菠菜台子 facilitates the institutional mission of the development of intellect and talent, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, 健全判断力的培养, and respect for the perspectives of others in several critical ways.

具体地说, 它提供信息, 政策, and 程序s that enable the prevention and redress of discrimination, 以及, 促进团队间的合作, 同理心, and cultural competence on the part of students, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 以及社区伙伴. 最终, the office works to create an environment in which all of the University community can reach their unique potential.


Our vision is to become a national leader in achieving inclusive excellence within the context of a liberal education.

MLK event on Racialized Trauma in Warch Campus Center Cinema


The 副总统办公室 oversees: Office of 多样性, 股本 & 包容; 多样性 & 跨文化中心; 骄傲的中心; 无障碍服务办公室; 可持续发展办公室; 以及, 促进群体间, 协作, cultural competence and assists with the University’s objective in preparing all Lawrentians to be engaged global citizens. The 副总统办公室 is also the administrative liaison to the Lawrence 波赛 程序.

Loren Dempster and Friends playing instruments at cultural festival

多样性 & 跨文化中心

The 多样性 and 跨文化中心 (D&IC) provides a space and 程序ming to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students, specifically students from diverse backgrounds, 能够个人茁壮成长, 社会, 在十大菠菜台子学习.



The 骄傲的中心 exists to create community and serve the needs of LGBTQ+ students, 教师, 工作人员, 劳伦斯社区成员, and their allies by providing high-quality support services that contribute to the academic and personal growth of community members and allies, 并提供一个保险箱, 支持, 温馨的环境.



The 无障碍服务办公室 is committed to ensuring equal access to the university and its academic and campus opportunities for students with disabilities by partnering with you to determine and provide accommodations when academic and campus barriers exist.

A student sells plants at the 2022 Earthfest.


From the water we drink and the food we eat, 我们如何使用能源, 交通等, Lawrence is committed to reinforcing a culture of sustainability. Our campus is a learning laboratory where our residential campus, green initiatives and coursework can integrate to champion sustainability at Lawrence and beyond.