At Lawrence, you belong to a community of learners, and that community is here to help you succeed.

Whether you want advice on how to prepare for medical school or just to polish those study skills, Lawrence offers you the academic support you need to shine bright.


学生 talking with an advisor


From your first moments at Lawrence, you’ll be paired with a faculty academic advisor who will help you shape your academic path.

sign outside the Center for Academic Success

Center for Academic Success 

Lawrence is invested in your success. Our newly renovated Center for Academic Success (CAS) combines the latest in learning technology with supportive and personalized attention. From study skills to tutoring to accommodations, CAS is here to help.



Whether you’re a first-year who's just starting to think about a career plan, a senior with a very specific plan, 或者介于两者之间, we are here to help you design, 发现, and connect with meaningful career opportunities.

Andrew Knudsen leads discussion with students


Thinking about applying for a scholarship or prestigious fellowship like the Fulbright? We have advising for that! You can get help identifying opportunities and navigating the application process. 

学生 looking into a microscope

健康 Professions 建议

Whether you want to be a doctor, 兽医, 护士, 或牙医, with your goal as a beacon to light the way, you are ready to take the first step to a career in health care.

Gavel and scale on a wooden desk


Whether you are exploring an interest in law or you are dedicated to prepping for the LSAT, pre-law advisors help you find your way towards your goals.

学生 conducting research on hillside. He is holding a yellow piece of equipment.

研究 & 参与式学习支持

Undergraduate support for graduate-level work. Work closely with faculty on high-impact research projects. Your professors provide expertise as you explore the questions that interest you most. You might even find yourself presenting at a conference or getting published in a journal.  

学生s playing games to build chemistry during orientation week


Get a head start on the Lawrence experience. 夏季研究所 is a skill-building workshop that prepares you for college learning. You’ll work on writing skills, learn about  resources and get connected to the community.